Monday 28 November 2011

What is Kale ?

Kale is an amazingly nutritious leafy green vegetable. It is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family of vegetables, which includes cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Kale contains high amounts of beta carotene (precursor of vitamin A) and vitamin C. It is also rich in minerals. Being a green vegetable, it is high in folic acid.
Kale is also a low carb and high protein vegetable. One cup cooked kale contains :
- 50 Calories
- 10 gm of Carbohydrates
- 3 gm of protein
- 2 to 3 gm of fiber
- 8000 IUs Vitamin A
- 150 to 200 mg of Calcium
- 30 mg of Magnesium
- 2 mg of Iron
- 300 mg of Potassium
- 125 mg of Vitamin C
- Less than 50 mg of Sodium
- 40 mcg of Folic acid
The high calcium and magnesium content of kale helps in building bones and is a good food for those suffering from osteoporosis. Vitamin A and C are antioxidants that protect against many degenerative diseases.
The high fiber content of Kale improves the digestive health and protects against colon cancer.
The high potassium and low sodium content of Kale makes it an alkaline food and helps those who suffer from acidity and other digestive disorders. Potassium also reduces blood pressure and helps in fighting heart disease.
Being a cruciferous vegetable, Kale contains sulfur compounds which help in fighting cancer.
Kale is best to eat when cooked. However, Kale is considered a goitrogen food which suppresses the function of the thyroid gland and causes hypothyroidism. Therefore, those with a sluggish thyroid should avoid eating Kale.